Monday, March 5, 2007

The other side of the Mobius Strip

For the longest time I have been convinced of the depressing, pressimistic nature of the first Noble Truth in Buddhism. Everything in life is suffering, even the good times because they are transient and must eventually succumb and dissipate. This exact notion has caused me to wake up feeling hopeless for the last two weeks, but what if the we flipped the script? Maybe misery is not the default state that all other emotions must submit to. What if it is suffering that is transient and that must always go back to joy. Joy would be the eternal constant every other emotion harks back to, and suffering is just a phase that must eventually be transcended to reach joy again. Suddenly, Buddhism doesn't appear so gloomy and grim anymore. Life is exactly what we make it out to be – what we create it as – and nothing more. It is the dialectic that we must keep in mind, otherwise we will fall victim to it without knowing it.

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